The Analysis of the Differences between Generation Y Employees and Others in Organizations: An Example of Logistics Firm
The aim of this study is to analyze different behaviors of Generation Y employees from the others in organizational settings, who are growing in number in business life. Accordingly, a logistics firm was taken as the sample of this study to have a better understanding of the subject. Within this context, the introduction part explains distinctive characters of generations, divides them chronologically and refers to significant differences and gaps among different generations. The study, in addition, summarizes findings and results of other relevant studies. The last part, on the other hand, analyzes the results of a research conducted on ninety-six employees of a logistics firm in order to examine behavioral differences of Generation Y employees in organizational settings. According to the results of this study, generation Y employees are different from the other generations in terms of commitment to parents, workplace fun, taking initiative, understanding of the environment and social responsibility, usage of social media, and dressing style behaviors; however, they do not show any significant difference in multi-tasking and attention, privacy, leadership in team working, evaluation and rewards in team working, and organizational support in team working.
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