Nursing Courage: A Systematic Literature Review
This systematic literature review investigates the concept of courage within nursing, analyzing 11 studies identified from Google Scholar and Web of Science. The review process followed a structured framework based on targeted research questions and analytical criteria. The study aims to expand scientific understanding of nursing courage and provide actionable guidance for empowering nurses in challenging conditions. Findings reveal that 10 of the studies were empirical, while 1 was a review article, with a primary focus on identifying individual and organizational factors linked to moral courage and on developing data collection instruments. Methodologically, the studies included 2 bibliometric analyses, 2 qualitative studies, and 7 quantitative studies, mostly involving nurses and nursing students. Across these studies, moral courage emerged as integral to ethical decision-making and professional integrity. Ethics-focused education and experiential learning were highlighted as key to bolstering moral courage in nursing. Furthermore, interdisciplinary collaboration and ethical discourse within nursing practice were identified as vital components. In-service training, institutional support, and reward systems are recommended as means to enhance nurses’ autonomy, bolster their professional standing, and foster courageous decision-making in clinical settings.
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