Determinants of Procurement Performance of Works Project in Public Organizations
Due to a lot of public money which is spent on procurement of works the performance of this procurement is important. Despite of other studies conducted to determine determinants of procurement performance in public organizations but many of them they based on quantitative design and still there were poor performance of procurement of works in public sector led to the conduction of this study so as to fill the empirical gap. The general objective of the study was to determine the factors influence procurement performance of works in public organizations, where the specific objectives are to ascertain the influence of information on procurement performance of works, to determine the influence of professionalism on procurement performance of works, to ascertain the influence of ethical standards on procurement performance of works and to determine if working environment influence procurement performance of works. The study was conducted at Morogoro Region include TANROADS and TBA as a case. Agency theory and Institutional theory together with empirical studies conducted in developed and developing countries were used as basis for the developing of the conceptual framework. Both quantitative and qualitative research designs were used. The Judgmental sampling technique was used to collect data from 137 respondents using structured questionnaires and to collect data from 10 respondents through interviews. One way Anova and Multiple regression were used to analyze quantitative data while explanation building process was used for qualitative data. The study findings through regression analysis indicate that ethical standards and working environment were significant influence procurement performance of works in public organizations since they have significant value of 0.009 and 0.000 respectively which is below 0.05 while professionalism and information were insignificant determiners with significant values of 0.267 and 0.450 respectively which is above 0.05. The study had several implications to policy makers and practitioners and suggests future studies to determine procurement performance in both public and private sector.
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