Impact of Selected Factors on International Trade of Bangladesh: An Empirical Analysis
International trade is a vital driver of economic development for nations worldwide, and Bangladesh, as a developing country in South Asia, strategically utilizes trade as a key element in its economic growth agenda. This paper examines the impact of internal factors on Bangladesh's international trade, employing Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) regression analysis to analyze data spanning from 2000 to 2022. The study focuses on factors such as GDP, inflation, real interest rates, unemployment rates, government expenditure, population growth, remittance inflows, government expenditure in education, macroeconomic management, and tariff rates. The results reveal a strong statistical significance between the predictors and Bangladesh's international trade volume. Notably, personal remittances, government expenditure in education, and macroeconomic management index exhibit significant influence on international trade. The findings provide valuable insights for policymakers and stakeholders to enhance Bangladesh's trade performance, contributing to its sustainable economic development.
International trade, Ordinary Least Squares, Economic Development, Bangladesh
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