Beauty Beyond Stereotypes: An Exploration of Sephora's "Unlimited Power of Beauty" Ad and Its Effect on Consumer Perceptions of the Brand
This study investigates the impact of Sephora's femvertising brand campaign on consumer perceptions in the beauty industry, with a specific focus on brand image, the effectiveness of femvertising advertisements, and potential influences on future cosmetic brand choices. Semi-structured in-depth interviews were conducted with 18 participants in Türkiye, and thematic analysis revealed significant insights. The findings highlight Sephora's significant influence on participants' understanding and engagement with the brand. Participants recognized Sephora as a well-known brand, attributing it to effective marketing efforts, collaborations with influencers, and a strong social media presence. The study also revealed diverse perceptions and preferences regarding beauty standards and product usage. Participants acknowledged Sephora's unique qualities, such as premium products and a pleasant in-store experience, while price was mentioned as a limiting factor. Notably, the specific Sephora ad, "the unlimited power of beauty," resonated strongly with participants, emphasizing self-acceptance, inclusivity, and brand activism. Overall, the study underscores the importance of brand awareness, strategic marketing, inclusivity, and empowering messages in shaping consumer perceptions, fostering brand activism, and influencing future brand choices within the competitive beauty industry. These findings contribute to a better understanding of the role of femvertising in consumer behavior and provide valuable insights for marketers and practitioners in the beauty industry.
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