The Effect of Export on Brand Values: Panel Tobit Approach
In today's competitive conditions, companies that want to open up to international markets should offer their products to the market by branding in order to protect and maintain their assets. Having a strong brand is one of the most important issues that will enable companies to increase their exports in highly competitive environments. This study aims to investigate the relationship between the brand value of companies and especially exports and selected financial statement components. The Panel Tobit Method was used in the study to investigate the association between the brand values of 24 manufacturing industry businesses traded on the BIST 100 and their export and chosen financial ratios.As a result of the analysis, a significant and positive relationship was found between the brand values of the companies and their export, paid-in capital and stock returns. Based on the knowledge that exports increase brand value, it emerges that companies should turn to investments that increase and develop brand value in export management.
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