Store Atmosphere Strategies and their Effects on Purchase Intention
Retailers must continually adjust to the realities due to the fast speed of today's society, which brings with it constant changes in fashion trends, technology advancements, and also the modification of lifestyle. Even though such improvements and adjustments are unnecessary, they must be made in order to keep the store attractive or to modernize the technical infrastructure and lower operating energy usage in the face of competition from new, similarly minded businesses. The functioning of the retail operation is heavily influenced by the architectural and design solution, where the customer must first arrive at the store, which then needs to draw them in and persuade them to make a purchase. Recent years have seen a rise in the importance of the shopping environment. Many stores rely on the fact that they have the most comfortable atmosphere, which forces the customer to stay in the store as long as possible. Sellers also try to make shopping an experience, making it necessary for the customer to feel satisfied in the store. Shopping atmosphere and control can help higher customer satisfaction. It is therefore very important to monitor the key factors that affect the atmosphere in the store. This article examines selected elements of the shopping atmosphere and its impact on consumers in electronic markets operating in Turkey, Germany, and England. It integrates research, survey, and observation into real terms of selected retail operations. Based on the findings, the conclusion on adapting selected factors influencing the atmosphere is proposed to improve the overall well-being of customers and thus their satisfaction during shopping.
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