Financial Leasing in Manufacturing and Production Sector: The Case of Turkey
Financial leasing is the transaction in which a property needed by an investor (lessee) is leased for a contractual specified period of time through purchasing by a financial leasing company. A financial leasing takes place with a contract made between an investor and a financial leasing company. The advantage of financial leading for an investor is that they can use the significant amount of money they have to allocate when they purchase the property in more strategical investments. Financial leasing is commonly used in the world and is also important for developing countries. Financial leasing transactions are carried out in Turkey, which is one of the developing countries with a legislation. Most of the sectors in which financial leasing transactions are made in Turkey are manufacturing, service and agriculture. The aim of this study is to determine the differences between the state of financial leasing in Turkey and in the world by evaluating the operation, advantages and disadvantages of financial leasing.
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